
Croft Church of England Primary School
Our Virtual School Tour can be found by clicking here
Croft is a vibrant school where children love to learn. Our school is truly inclusive, and we know that each child is an individual with their own needs and abilities. We work hard to unlock each child’s uniqueness allowing them to shine. We provide opportunities to teach pupils how to value and respect each other and develop a positive self-image alongside a belief that with hard work, determination, and commitment anything can be achieved.
We expect high standards of work and behaviour from all our pupils and work closely with parents to achieve this.
As a Church of England Primary School, we have a living Christian foundation following the teaching of Jesus.
We live out this faith by following Jesus’ command to: “Let your light shine.” (Matthew 5:16.) We have five Croft values which are at the core of everything we do:
Compassion, Resilience, Offering Friendship, Forgiveness, Thankfulness.
We recognise that everyone is uniquely made in the image and likeness of God, and therefore everyone is welcome and important here. We are committed to providing a safe environment in which children and adults can flourish.
As well as developing as a unique individual, we ensure that pupils at Croft experience a rich and progressive curriculum which builds on what they know, we want our children to be lifelong learners. Our children leave our school very well prepared for the opportunities and challenges they will face in secondary school.
We have very high expectations for all of our pupils irrespective of their starting points, recognising that they will be entering a highly competitive global marketplace in unprecedented times. Our staff are dedicated and hard-working, committed to an ethos of on-going professional learning.
We are proud to be a member of the Embrace Trust which enables us to share resources, expertise and deliver quality education to make an even greater difference where it matters most.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Miss A Lawton