The admissions policy allows for one intake a year.

All 4+ children will start at the beginning of the Autumn Term. Children are able to start full time in school from the very start of term, however, as parents, you will know whether your child is emotionally, physically and mentally ready for full time. If you feel that your child needs more time, then please come and talk to us about an alternative and more gradual start to school. Only the Local Authority can confirm a place at Croft CE Primary School, whether you live in the catchment area or otherwise and regardless of whether your child has attended the pre-school at the school.

For any admission or transfer, parents must complete the Local Authority’s application form and send this to the Allocations Section. No child can be admitted without Local Authority authorisation. For detailed information about the admissions process please go to and search for ‘school admissions’, or follow the link listed below.

Published Admission Number (PAN): The PAN is the number of children that the school can admit in the normal year of entry, ie Reception.  Our admission number is currently 25.

In cases of oversubscription at Croft Church of England Primary school, the oversubscription criteria in our admissions policy are applied. 


Cool Number